Purchasing additional painter’s tape may save you a second trip to the store. Stock up on some additional rollers and paintbrushes to help you accomplish stellar results in all areas. Painted ceilings and vaulted rooms will stipulate an extension bar. Another extension bar bonus is that it permits you to stand farther back from the wall and decreases splatter on your clothing. Wear a painting pair of coveralls or some old clothes for every painting project. Old shoes too!
Normally, a paint kit utilizes a roller tray or a paint tray. These feature disposable (or reusable if you clean them adequately) liners. Opt for a 5-gallon bucket with a screen grid to remove excess paint coming from the paint roller.
A multi-purpose paint device is a vital paint kit item. This tool will allow you to remove nails, scrape paint, drive nails, apply putty or glaze, clean caulking, or clean paint roller covers. Make sure to wear safety eye protection, particularly when you are applying spackle or painting ceilings. Steer clear of chemical exposure to your vision by wearing safety goggles.
Which Paintbrushes Do You Need?
Generate a flawless finish by choosing the right paintbrushes. Synthetic-bristle, nylon paintbrushes are best for latex applications. All-natural bristle paint brushes, conversely, are better for oil-based items including stains, varnishes and oils.
Different paint roller covers are available in a variety of naps and textures. For consistent surfaces, shorter nap rollers would be best. Use uneven rollers if you want to add texture to your finish. And use lengthier naps for textured sections like stucco.
A paint pot is wonderful for applying smaller amounts of paint rather than working out of the hefty paint can. Repeatedly dipping your paintbrush within the paint may introduce fuzz and contaminants into your supply. Utilizing a paint pot instead will allow you to preserve your paint. Pour a bit of paint into your easily portable paint pot, designed wider compared to the regular paint can. Dip part of the paintbrush bristles into the paint to “load” your paintbrush. Steer clear of drips by positioning your paintbrush at an angle. When you are painting, the wall friction will attract the paint from the paintbrush.
Enjoy Expert Results With These Painting Hacks
For maximum stir stick usage, drill some holes in it to help you thoroughly mix the paint. When you cut-in with a paintbrush and then use a roller for the rest of the wall, “hat-banding,” may result. This happens when you produce a different texture from the ceiling and the trim by not rolling close enough to the ceiling. Prevent this problem by using your paint roller as close as possible to the cut-in locations. And lastly, in order to stop a half-empty can of paint from becoming dry, drop old golf balls in the can to fill any air space.